Frequently asked questions
Frost Tech

If you still have more questions after below, please do not hesitate to call us as our staff are on stand by to take your call.

Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Samsung and Daiken
Frost Tech offers a 24 hour, 7-days-a-week service. We understand the urgency of attending to any breakdowns to ensure your foods or products remain in top condition. Whatever time, day or night, Frost Tech will take your call.
We will attend to your call within 1 – 2 hours.
Frost Tech largely covers the North Shore area, the Inner West area as well as South West. However, if you are outside these areas, don’t be afraid to call – Frost Tech can attend to service calls and quotes anywhere in the Sydney metropolitan.
Yes, we will issue service reports after every maintenance visit.
Yes. Frost Tech provides maintenance and repair services for any refrigeration unit or coolroom, whether we installed it for you or not.
Yes, we do. Examples of businesses which we have serviced include, but not limited to, restaurants, food outlets, florists, bakeries, cake shops – any need for cooling, Frost Tech can look after it.

Got a question or can't decide?
Give us a ring and our staff are happy to assist!

Our friendly staff are on standby ready to assist you to make sure you make the right choice.

Don't worry! Frosttech understands that everyone's need is not the same. Talk to us and get the ball rolling.

Frosttech years of experiance and accumulated knowledge only offer the best solutions available.